Increasing Your COLORed DIAMONDS Sales

Sometimes a lack of familiarity with a certain product can cause customers to be a little wary. Luckily, when it comes to COLORed DIAMONDS, we know exactly how to inspire confidence in our product. Here are some very simple methods you can use to draw attention to your colored jewels.

Wear Them –

One incredibly simple and hugely effective method of drawing attention to one specific jewelry line is to wear it yourself or have your salespeople wear it. The customer’s interest is likely to be piqued, even before they have seen the full selection. At PRIME GEMS., we encourage owners and employees of the store to purchase COLORed DIAMONDS by offering them our products at a discount.

Show Other Gemstones –

The real strength of COLORed DIAMONDS lies in the fact that they are clearly far more brilliant and eye-catching than other colored gemstones. Show them other gemstones and let them see this stark difference for themselves.

Showcase Your Diamonds –

By the same token, keep your COLORed DIAMONDS separate from your colored gemstones. If you were to keep COLORed DIAMONDS in the same case as emeralds, for example, the customer may simply think they have come across a particularly refined emerald. A separate showcase also ensures that the customer sees these diamonds as diamonds, rather than simply as alternatives to other colored gems. Mark the COLORed DIAMONDS showcase with a visible sign.

Be Careful with Words –

Never underestimate the power of words! Using words with negative connotations, even accidentally, can ruin your chances of a sale. Never use words such as ‘irradiated,’ ‘treated,’ ‘cooked,’ ‘nuked,’ ‘burned’ or ‘zapped,’ as all of these can be negatively interpreted. By the same token, you should never refer to a light color as ‘pale,’ or a dark color as ‘muddy.’

Have a Selection –

Customers always like to be able to make a choice, which is why it makes sense to have a wide variety of colors and styles on show. Having a large number of objects encourages comparison, which in turn encourages close study, while having only a few styles on display can often cause a customer to overlook a selection.

Use Fashion –

Just as with any jewelry line, it’s important that salespeople know exactly which types of jewelry go with which styles. Train your salespeople on how to match COLORed DIAMONDS to clothing and eyes (remember: matching does not always mean finding a similar color, but sometimes a counterpoint color), and to always be aware of changing fashions.

Create events –

Create special events or mailings to enable your best customers to learn that you are carrying a new product. We can help you with the special events by supplying some loose COLORed DIAMONDS or finished pieces for the event.